1. Herbivores Herbivores are animals that eat plants and eat no meat. This type of animal generally seeks food in the form of leaves, young stalks, grass, seeds, vegetables and fruits. Usually, herbivores live in groups like in fields, meadows and forests. Herbivorous animals have a tendency to be docile, so they are often prey to carnivorous animals. Characteristics of the herbivores: 1. Herbivore Including types of mammals/lactants 2. Reproduce through birth. 3. Most of them are on the land. 4. Tame and be four-legged. 5. Has large Graham teeth. 6. Beneficial for humans, for example, used as cattle such as: cows, sheep, goats. For Example : ~ Cow Cows are grazing animals that tend to be used as cattle and offer many benefits to humans, such as milk and meat. ~ Goat Goats are herbivorous animals which are mostly kept by humans and used ...