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3 Types of animals according to what they eat

1. Herbivores
      Herbivores are animals that eat plants and eat no meat. This type of animal generally seeks food in the form of leaves, young stalks, grass, seeds, vegetables and fruits. Usually, herbivores live in groups like in fields, meadows and forests. Herbivorous animals have a tendency to be docile, so they are often prey to carnivorous animals.

Characteristics of the herbivores: 

1. Herbivore Including types of
2. Reproduce through birth.
3. Most of them are on the land.
4. Tame and be four-legged.
5. Has large Graham teeth.
6. Beneficial for humans, for example, used 
     as cattle such as: cows, sheep, goats.

For Example :

~ Cow

     Cows are grazing animals that tend to be used as cattle and offer many benefits to humans, such as milk and meat.

~ Goat

      Goats are herbivorous animals which are mostly kept by humans and used as cattle for their milk, meat and skin.

~ Giraffe

   Giraffes are leaf-eating animals that have a long neck useful for assisting giraffes in reaching the leaves of large trees.

~ Elephant

     Elephants are herbivorous animals because they eat grass. Elephants generally live in habitats with water sources such as forests, savannahs, wetlands and deserts.

~ Kangaroo

      Kangaroos are herbivorous mammals. The female kangaroo has a pouch in his stomach that works to protect his cubs. This animal has to be found in Australia.

2. Carnivore
      Carnivores are meat eaters. This type of animal tends to be very ferocious and has the ability to prey on other animals to eat their meat or can eat the flesh of dead or decaying animals. Not only do they prey on herbivores, but these types of animals can prey on other carnivorous animals to be called predators.

Characteristics of the Carnivorous :

 1. Meat eaters.
 2. Have sharp fingernails and canines to rip
     meat apart.
 3. Agile and has an unbelievable racing 
 4. The majority are mammals.
 5. Environmentally sensitive.
 6. Has a strong sense of smell and sight.

For Example :

~ Lion

       Lions are carnivorous animals that live in groups and hold power on their territory. Lions belong to the Felida family or the cat family.


      Tigers are a group of meat-eating animals that have more perfect canines than other animals. A distinctive feature of this animal is that it has stripes on the fur of its body.

~ Bear

      Bears are carnivorous animals that have thick reeds and can stand on both legs. The smell and hearing of this animal is excellent.

~ Wolf

      Wolves are meat-eating animals that are still included in the dog family so they have the same characteristics as dogs.

~ Crocodile

       Crocodiles are a type of carnivorous animal that belongs to the reptile group because it can live on land and in water. Crocodiles usually eat fish, frogs, birds and other animals in a calm or discreet manner.

3. Omnivores
       Omnivores are everything-eating animals that are plant eaters and animals that are a combination of herbivorous and carnivorous animals. This type of animal tends to have good tooth and digestive structure so that it can digest and evacuate any kind of food. Omnivorous animals have the ability to survive in extreme conditions.

Characteristics of the Omnivores :

1. Plant and meat eaters.
2. Has a good tooth structure, namely 
    sharp front teeth and rear flat teeth.
3. Has a complex digestion.
4. Breeding by laying eggs as well as lambing.

For Example :

~ Monkey

      Monkeys are mammals of the primate breed. They are intelligent creatures who can process human emotions and concepts for example when learning painting and sign language.

~ Pig

      Pigs are omnivorous animals which originally came from Eurasia. A type of long-nosed, lemper-nosed ungulates.

~ Flamingo

      Flamingos belong to the Omnivores and are a species of long-legged birds that live in groups. In addition to having a long neck the flamingo has a long beak and a beautiful body color.

~ Squirrel

        Squirrels are one of the animals of the small mammal class that belong to the Omnivorous type. Squirrel is the term most often used to refer to a kind of fur-tailed tree climbing rodent.

~ Chicken

      Chickens are poultry animals that are commonly raised for meat, eggs, and feathers. Chicken is an omnivorous type because it not only eats rice and grains but also eats small animals such as insects and worms.



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