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Negative Impacts of Staying Up Late on Health

Staying up late will make you sleepy and yawn frequently due to lack of rest or sleep. Not only that, the effect of staying up late that is left for a long time can also cause you to feel tired and disturb your physical and mental condition. Here are some of the negative impacts of staying up late to health:

1. Experiencing Weight Gain

        People who always stay up late will cause weight gain and people who stay up late will be at risk of obesity because staying up late can interfere with body metabolity. In addition, when staying up late, it can make the body feel hungry quickly and difficult to maintain a diet. Therefore, staying up late can cause you to gain a lot of weight.

2. Decreased Brain Function

       Staying up late can reduce concentration and memory and the ability to solve problems. People who stay up late will find it difficult to focus and experience a decrease in their level of alertness in paying attention to things.

3. Can cause Cancer

      Research says that people who sleep poorly will be more likely to get cancer because of the damage to cells in the body and are also related to stress.

4. Premature Aging

        When staying up late can cause the skin and face to become dry and dull. The body will produce more cortisol or stress hormones that can damage and damage the collagen structure of the skin, namely the mu culnya gari - lines or wrinkles on the face, dark spots on the face, spots, dark circles appear on the eyes and cause puffy eyes.

5. Risk of mental disorders

       People who stay up late will be prone to brain disorders and insomnia. This can cause mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

6. Increased blood sugar levels

      When we sleep poorly or stay up late the body will experience stress so that it can cause an increase in blood sugar levels due to the activity of the blood system that regulates blood sugar levels not functioning normally.

7. Heart Disorders

       Lack of sleep can be a bad risk to heart health, one of which is coronary heart disease. This disease will arise when the body cannot provide enough blood for the needs of the heart.


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