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Summary of the full Essay Descriptive : Definition, Purpose, Structure and steps

Definition of Essay
      Essay is an essay in the form of writing, containing more than one paragraph.  This type of writing contains the opinion or view of the author regarding a particular issue that is subjective and argumentative.

Definition of Descriptive Essay
       A descriptive essay is an essay that describes a subject or object (both a person and an object) that attracts the attention of the writer to be discussed or researched.  In writing, the subject or object in writing can be experiences, houses, animals, and so on.

Purpose of Descriptive Essay
         The purpose of this descriptive essay is to see how far a writer is able to describe something that is easily understood by readers and easily get the message the writer wants to convey.

Features of a Descriptive Essay:

1. Evocative (can be remembered and imagined)

        Descriptive essays must combine several concrete images through words and phrases that readers can remember and imagine so that they feel as captivated by the writing as the descriptive writer wants.

2. Concrete (clear, certain, real)

      A descriptive essay should offer readers some specific details that they can see through the writing.

3. Plausible (correct and trustworthy)

     A descriptive essay writer must limit how concrete (real) and evocative (can be imagined) the images in his writing are to suit the knowledge and interests of the readers.

Essay Structure:

 1. Introduction

      The introduction is the opening part of an essay.  In this section, the author provides an introduction to the issues to be discussed in the essay.

 2. Fill (Body)

     Content is the core part of an essay which consists of a collection of paragraphs.  These paragraphs contain the arguments that the author wants to convey.

 3. Conclusion

      The final part of an essay is called the conclusion.  In this section, the author summarizes and concludes all the ideas or arguments that have been presented in the content section.

How to write an essay?

1. Conduct Preliminary Research

     Find out what kind of ideas have been submitted regarding the specified theme.  Thus, writers can more easily choose topics to be discussed in their essays.

2. Collect Data

      Presenting evidence in the form of data or expert opinion that supports this opinion.  the author can immediately collect data that can be used to strengthen his argument.

3. Create an Essay Framework

      Writers can create an essay framework to simplify the writing process by helping writers arrange ideas coherently.

4. Write an Essay

     If the previous steps have been done, the essay writing process will run more easily.  The author only needs to develop the framework into a complete set of paragraphs.

5. Doing Editing or Proofreading

 Doing finalization which includes re-reading and editing the essay if necessary, such as correcting punctuation and spelling as well as cohesion and coherence of the text as a whole.

Fact and Opinion

1. Fact

       Facts can be interpreted as a set of real information that has been proven and has become a reality;  something that really happened and there is evidence of it.
        For example, there are things, people who know about them, when they happened, where they happened, events, and the amount.

2. Opinion

     Opinion is an open answer or response to a question expressed in words (non-material), both written and oral.  It can also be behaviors, attitudes, beliefs and reactions, etc.

Plagiarism and Quotation

1. Plagiarism

     Plagiarism is plagiarism or taking other people's writings, opinions, etc. and making them appear to be your own.  Plagiarism can be considered a crime because it steals other people's copyrights.

2. Quotation

      Quotation opinions or ideas of others taken from certain sources.  One of the purposes of quoting is to strengthen arguments in one's own writing. Quotations are used as information taken from the reference text.


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