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Unity and Coherence in Essays | Definitions and examples

What is Unity?

         Unity is there an idea in a paragrap that focuses on the main topic or a paragraph that discusses one idea and the beginning of the paragraph to the end of the paragraph. Each sentence in this paragraph is interrelated and supports each other discussing or explaining the evidence of the main idea or main topic in that paragraph. The point is unity between paragraphs that talk about a common idea.

Example of Paragraph : 


      Tempeh is a typical Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans with a high nutritional value. Tempeh is rich in protein so it can be used as an alternative to meat. Tempeh also has infinite benefits for health, one of which is preventing anemia.

What is Coherence?

        Coherence is the cohesiveness or connectedness between sentences that flows smoothly and logically from one sentence to the next that supports the purpose of the paragrap. The last sentence on the paragrap should relate to the main topic discussed by reviewing the evidence that restates. In this paragraph we often use conjunctions.

Examples of paragraps:

        Tempeh has long been known by the public as one of the traditional Indonesian foods produced for generations. Indonesians do not only consume tempeh as a side dish for rice, but currently tempeh has been processed and processed into various dishes such as tempeh chips, tempeh nuggets, etc.
On the other hand, tempeh has spread throughout the world because of its nutritional content that is good for health. In fact, Indonesia is the largest tempeh producing country in the world and is the largest soybean market in Asia.


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