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5 Public Speaking mistakes you should know


     It is normal to make mistakes when speaking in public, whether it is because of nervousness, lack of exercise or even lack of confidence when in front. According to the American National Institute of Mental Health, 74% of people suffer from fear of speaking, which is nervousness when it comes to public speaking. Are you one of those who have experienced something similar? One way to reduce this anxiety is to prepare as well as possible.  However, such mistakes allow us to learn and evaluate ourselves to improve our public speaking skills. Here are five beginner public speaking mistakes, pay attention and take a good look at the reviews!

1. Lack of preparation

     Lack of preparation is one of the biggest mistakes when speaking in front of an audience. Of course, without careful preparation, you will not be able to take advantage of all the opportunities that arise when you speak in public. According to Diresta Communications, a professional speaker prioritizes 90% preparation. The remaining 10% is then related to the teaching of the subject. Preparation includes the development of strategies, language structure, visual design and many exercises. 

2. Not knowing the audience well

      Your public speaking or presentation will not be considered good if the content presented does not suit the audience. Even if you have prepared it carefully, content that does not suit your audience will be considered unattractive and people will not listen.

       To avoid this mistake of public speaking, you need to know what kind of person listens to you. Think about how your topic can help them and give them the information they need. Find out about their demographics, the most appropriate approach and their level of understanding so that the message conveyed is optimal. 

3. Uninspired and less attractive at first

     The energy level of the subject mediation must be maintained from beginning to end Don't sound lethargic or uninspired. Because this also affects the emotions of the audience. Being energetic, we attract people's attention and listen carefully. In addition, it is also very important to have fun at the beginning and start public speaking in an interesting way. When interesting at first, people want to listen more to what we have to say. 

4. Read the slide and use too many numbers

    PowerPoint slides are very useful for talking and highly recommended. Only if you read too many slides and do not pay attention to the audience will they feel neglected. On the other hand, they don't listen to you very well. Another mistake when using slides for public speaking is that there is too much data. Data in the form of numbers on slides is usually difficult to read and boring. So, as much as possible look for ways to convey information in an interesting and good way.

5. Use unimportant body language

    Body language is one of the things that can help you convey a topic in a more interesting way. However, the excessive use or presentation of gestures that annoy the audience is one of the mistakes of public speaking that should be avoided.

    When exercising is your habit, it's quite difficult to stop. That doesn't mean it's impossible to teach yourself not to. Examples of gestures to avoid are:
1. Put your hands in your pockets
2. Improves hair
3. Licking his lips too often
4. Put your hands behind your back
5. Touching the Face


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