What are the causes of laziness?
Being lazy is a bad habit. Especially if it is left alone, laziness can affect you and others and can even cause various losses. Laziness does not appear out of thin air as for the things that cause laziness as follows.
1. The plan is too big
The reason a person feels lazy is because the plan is too big. Why can this lead to laziness? Because often with big plans, you just focus on a big goal and often forget important things about it. Therefore, you just focus on the results and forget about the process.
2. . High expectations That everything went perfectly
To achieve this goal, we will definitely go through a long process. And the result of this long process is not always perfect. But if you expect too much to make things perfect, that thought can make you really lazy.
3. Listening too much to other people's criticisms
Sometimes we need criticism and advice from others to become a better person. However, listening too often to criticism can be a reason for laziness. Such as criticism that makes us inferior or called criticism is not constructive. It is appropriate that we avoid or not listen to such criticism. Because if you listen too much, you will not be able to develop yourself and achieve your dream goals.
How to deal with laziness?
Laziness should not be left alone. Try to fight laziness yourself to be more productive., Here are some ways to combat laziness.
1. Engage in physical activity
Laziness can arise because we have difficulty concentrating. To restore focus, you can try to do physical activity during activities. Take a leisurely walk during your lunch break, for example. Research shows that physical activity or movement can focus a person's mind. So that you become more enthusiastic and the feeling of laziness disappears. Not only that, but exercise can also improve long-term focus.
2. Meditate
Meditation is a way of getting rid of laziness that can be done in a relatively short time. You can meditate at certain times, for example, in the morning or during work breaks. Meditation is believed to make us more focused. In addition, meditation also makes us calmer and able to control emotions well. One of the meditation techniques you can use is Kundalini meditation.
3. Get enough rest
Laziness is not just for those who are already working. Students also often experience laziness. One way to be lazy is to meet the needs of rest. However, the human body needs rest to return to normal. Therefore, it is very important that we apply a good resting pattern that is about 7-9 hours a day. Meeting the needs of sleep or rest, the body feels fresher, not tired and not lazy to do activities.
4. Channel hobbies
Everyone may have different preferences. A hobby can be described as a pleasant pastime that is always done in free time. Hobbies are usually treated as recreation, but in some cases channeling hobbies can eliminate laziness. By following hobbies regularly, we feel happier, have a lot of motivation and enjoy life. Therefore, hobbies can be one of the ways to get rid of laziness.
5. Fight boredom
The next way to get rid of laziness is to fight boredom. Everyone must have a sense of boredom when doing things. These feelings can trigger laziness that makes us unproductive. So in order not to be lazy, we must fight boredom. Everyone has their own way of fighting boredom. For example, if you are tired of studying at home, try studying outside the home or studying with friends. With a new atmosphere, boredom disappears and laziness is avoided.
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